Community: For an elderly cat rescuer

Cat shelves for a cat rescuer by Little People Woodworks and Uncommon Goods

Some time back, we created some prototype cat shelves with our friends at Uncommon Goods. Prototyping allows us to figure out new designs and how we can further improve for better functions and aesthetics. Most times, the prototypes, though functional, just stay in the workshop after our brainstorming process is over, mainly because the designs may not fit in with other projects.

When Cats & Kittens of Singapore told us about an elderly community cat feeder and rescuer needing cat shelves for her cats, we thought the prototypes could come into good use as they are easy to clean, sturdy, and actually look interesting. Mihai thus volunteered his time to install the shelves while Little People Woodworks and Uncommon Goods absorbed most of the costs aside from transport and some materials. We installed paw guard on the door as well as the cats had been going at it!

Cat shelves by Little People Woodworks and Uncommon Goods
The cat shelves at the workshop